Have you ever been an outcast? Have you ever done something that you don't remember? Have you ever murdered anyone?
Cassel Sharpe is from a family of curse workers. The thing is that he's the only one that doesn't have any magic powers and killed his childhood friend. Outside his family and all their secrets, people are afraid of him because they think that at any moment, he will explode of magic. Suddenly, he started to sleep walk, which hasn't been a problem for him since he was child. All the dreams he has been sleep walking to have one commonality, a white cat.
From here, Cassel goes on an adventure to figure out about this cat and the dreams and see what is going on with the rest of his family.
White Cat by Holly Black is a fantasy novel where it's the normal everyday world, just with magic. If you like fantasy, you will love this book. If you prefer to not to read fantasy, this book is a good start because there isn't a brand new world. This story is the first installment of a trilogy called the Curse Workers. There were a couple parts where I had to reread because it was so shocking and had to think it over. There were also a couple more parts that were confusing at one point but were later explained and it all cleared up.
Overall, this is a type of book for anyone to read, especially if you want to get into reading fantasy, for there is a good plot line and you get to see the relationships between characters grow and change over the time in this book. I give this book a 4.5 out of 5 stars or a 93%.
Connie Liederbach